Week 17: Tough Week

Tough week

I am usually pretty positive, and I am surrounded by constant negativity and naysayers and I can pretty much ignore it. This week has been much more difficult. Sometimes the degrading remarks and comments hit me so hard I have a tough time getting back up. And that’s where I am now.

How do you cope with it when it’s your own family that hurts you and is always trying to bring you down??

I am a single mom that has raised 5 boys and I have always worked 1-2 jobs and put myself through college. I was gone a lot and paid a lot to babysitters and that was all ok because I was doing what everyone said I should be doing. But now I am building my business from home. I no longer have to pay a babysitter and I have been able to raise my younger boys myself and not let some daycare do it for me. I have freedom I never had before. I get to go places I only dreamed of going before. My life seems pretty peachy hey?

What people don’t see is that when I come home from a 2-3 day event for my business, I have to hear from everyone how I “abandoned” my kids to go off and have “fun”. How I should be home and not in another city with people I don’t even know. How I care more about myself than I do my kids because I left them for a couple days?

But yet, it was ok to leave them EVERYDAY when I was working a JOB??

Yesterday was my sons 18th birthday and because of my time freedom, I was able to take him out to eat and to see a movie at the theatre. Only to come home and have my angry 21 year old yell at me and tell me what a horrible parent I am because he had to watch his brothers and that is my job and not his. The same 21 year old that has a baby on the way, no job, sleeps all day and I am supporting???

Ok maybe this post was a vent. But I spend so much time and energy making my life better, and sometimes it just seems I’m doing it all in vain. I know he has teenage angst, and I know I’m doing the right thing, but listening to this from him, from his dad and everyone else constantly, it starts to seem like there’s truth to what they say.

They are part of the 95%, including my son. How can I turn them off when they live with me? I don’t have many friends and I don’t go out much, so even though I am part of this amazing alliance, I still feel so alone.

11 responses to “Week 17: Tough Week

  1. Um honey 21 is not a teenager he is a man Kick his ungrateful arse out and let him make a life for his new on the way family…this is one thing I find interesting how parents are STILL supporting their grown adults at home…how can they grow up if you are still taking care of them?
    said with love peace n blessings 🙂


  2. Angela,
    You are not alone, You are surrounded by hundred’s of people that are willing to help you… Remember what OG says…You are natures greatest miracle…I love your honesty, we all must be honest with ourselves if we are to get better.
    Teenagers can be a challenge I also fight that battle,However I’ve learned to sit my kids down…No T.V. No cell phones…I tell them I love them and I need their help…I tell it like it is..We are a family and family’s help each other, that’s just what we do…Remember we get what we give…Give more love get more love…You are amazing.. Fantastic post.
    Keep the faith…You can do it…!!!
    ~Give more Get More~
    Many blessings !!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Angela thank you so much for your honesty. I think we all have weeks like you had. Surround yourself with positive people who want the best for you. We can;t control what other people do or think but we can control how we react however difficult it may be. For what it’s worth I am inspired by you and I believe in you

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You doing fantastic work. I think harder it goes the better harvest we have. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I can really identify with your pain. Sometimes it seems that everything one does is wrong. I too have experienced similar reactions. However, at the time I had not discovered the power of thought and recreating myself. I total agree with the above comment. “Give more love.” It has been my experience that ‘more is caught than taught’ as my pastor frequently states.
    You obviously realize you are on the right path. And, paraphrasing Mandino I persist until I succeed.

    Really enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I can very much relate to your difficulties! Thank you for your honesty.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Angela, You took time away from your family to continue your personal growth. It was a business trip necessary for the improvement of your household’s financial well being. When you follow your heart, others stuck on the hamster wheel of life reach out and try to break your heart to cause you to lose your way. Here’s the kicker – only YOU can give them the power to break YOUR heart. It’s your choice – personally own your destiny, or hand the reigns over to someone else. What do you decide? What does the Gal in the Glass have to say for herself? I believe in you, Angela!


  8. Here’s one huge telltale “The same 21 year old that has a baby on the way, no job, sleeps all day and I am supporting???” Here is a truth that’s a hard one to swallow but if you do things will really start to break through for you. Here you go ready – We teach people how to treat us.


  9. My dear Angela you are not along even thought there is a distance between us your MKMMA family. We love and support you. It’s OK to have the feelings you are experiencing just don’t allow them to stick. I speak a prayer of peace over you and your family. James 1:5 is a scripture for wisdom.

    It may be time for the other grown ups in your house to find their own place.


  10. Sayin it like it is. You have courage and strength, vision and hope, power and presence, focus and persistence. Remember to love yourself, care for you, and show others how to treat you as you are the strong and powerful, honest and wise, loving and infinite Being you Be. Love to you and a great big HUG!


  11. Thank you for your honesty. We are all in this program together, to support one another and provide each other the encouragement and support we need to move forward.

    This week I had a HUGE AHA and I only share in hopes that it will provide another perspective to your situation. I realized that in the past I did not value myself and my accomplishments and so I attracted people into my life that would support the way I saw myself. Through MKMMA I have reversed my self image and as a result I am attracting different people into my life. Those who believe in me, support me, and encourage me to move forward. It has been so exciting!

    Changing how you see yourself, that old blueprint, does not mean that you need to lose your family, but perhaps their opinion of you will change as you change your opinion of yourself.

    This was a difficult but very valuable lesson for me and I can say with confidence it was a game changer. Give your self the pat on the back, but mean it. Recognize all you have achieved confidently, with pride. See the value you bring to your family and every time your family says otherwise, bless them. Look within for the encouragement you are seeking from without.

    The world within creates the world without. You are nature’s greatest miracle! You are here to grow into a mountain and not fade to into a grain of sand. Be strong and BELIEVE!!!!!!


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