Week 13- I will persist

I will persist until I succeed! I have read this scroll 67 times so far this month, but only today did it sink in.

My old blueprint has been kicking in. Old man procrastination. I tell myself that I have valid reasons (excuses) for falling behind, and I may do, but I know that if I allow my procrastination to override my persistence, then there will ALWAYS be a new excuse. I am also aware that I will be attracting more and more reasons to NOT complete what I started.

Today is day 23 of the month, but it is day 1 of ME. Day 1 with NO excuses. For each reason I find to procrastinate, I will find 2 ways to overcome that challenge! Today I begin a new life.

5 responses to “Week 13- I will persist

  1. Angela,
    Yes, I agree we all sometimes procrastinate,However looks like you are ready to rock !!
    Keep the faith !!


  2. Love it… find 2 ways to overcome that challenge!


  3. Loving it! WOW come to YOUR NEW LIFE!


  4. I can’t tell you how many times I have had to tell myself, “DO IT NOW!” I feel your pain. 🙂


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